Category: News

2017 Country Schoolhouse Mini Grant

Once again Preservation Iowa will offer a mini grant to aid persons wishing to preserve/repair a country school building that would be open for public visitation.  Smaller grant requests for projects costing less than $500 have a greater chance of being funded.  The deadline for submitting an application for this grant award is Nov. 22, 2017…. Read more »

2018 PI Most Endangered Properties Call for Nominations

The Most Endangered Properties program started in 1995 to educate Iowans about the special buildings, sites, and structures that are slowly and gradually slipping away from us. Preservation Iowa designated nine properties as the 2017 Most Endangered Properties and some of these properties have been highlighted in other preservation publications since their designation. In the… Read more »

Globe Tire

Preservation at its Best 2017, Commercial Large: Globe Tire (Des Moines) The Walnut Tire – Globe Publishing Building, originally home to the Walnut Tire & Battery Company and Globe Publishing Company, was constructed in late 1924 as a multi-tenant Auto Row sales and service building; a 1928 east addition doubled the footprint while providing a… Read more »

Green & Main

Preservation at its Best 2017, Commercial Small: Green & Main (Des Moines) The Northwest corner of 19th and Center Streets in the Sherman Hill Historic District has a history of mixed residential and commercial usage. Formerly known as the H&H Grocery Store, the two-story brick building contributed to the neighborhood’s designation as a National Historic… Read more »

Roosevelt School (Clinton)

2017 Preservation at its Best, Adaptive Reuse: Roosevelt School (Clinton) Constructed in 1888, the Clinton High School and Public Library (“Roosevelt School”) represented a landmark early investment in the burgeoning lumber center’s prosperity and commitment to education. It served the community for over a century as high school until 1922, an elementary school until 1974,… Read more »

2017 Preserve Iowa Conference Earlybird Registration

Preserve Iowa Summit: Mining the Past Fort Dodge, Iowa June 8-10, 2017 Registration for the Preserve Iowa Summit in Fort Dodge is now open!  The website has information about the sessions planned, speakers’ biographies, hotels, and a place to register. Registration for our preservation partners, which includes current members of Preservation Iowa is only $55.  Register today as this rate is only good… Read more »

Apply for Exhibit Space at the 2017 Preserve Iowa Summit

The 2017 Preserve Iowa Summit: Mining the Past, has moved up from previous years to be held June 8th – 10th in Fort Dodge, IA. Please Apply for Exhibit Space Today! Be an Exhibitor at the 2017 Preserve Iowa Summit in Fort Dodge, Iowa! The Exhibit Hall will be available to Summit attendees on Friday,… Read more »

Preservation at its Best 2017 Call for Nominations

Each year, Preservation Iowa seeks to honor individuals, organizations, projects, and programs whose work demonstrates a commitment to excellence in historic preservation. In doing so, we hope to inspire others to take action to preserve, protect, and promote historic resources. Project awards will be presented at the 2017 Preserve Iowa Summit, to be held in… Read more »

2017 Preserve Iowa Summit

The annual Preserve Iowa Summit is the premier statewide conference for professionals and volunteers involved in historic preservation.  Participants will have opportunities to learn about a broad range of Preservation topics from historic tax credits to archaeology and more! June 8-10, 2017.

Preservation Iowa Announces 2017 “Most Endangered Properties”

Preservation Iowa has designated 9 properties for 2017 Most Endangered Designations. Here are the 2017 Most Endangered Properties: Preservation Iowa’s Most Endangered Property program was started in 1995 and was implemented to educate Iowans about the special buildings and historic sites that are slowly and gradually slipping away from us. In the past 20 years,… Read more »