August 5-6 in Muscatine Iowa
Posted on May 22nd, 2011 2:12 pm
This year’s Preservation Workshop will be held in Muscatine, Iowa. With help from Friends of Muscatine Historic Preservation, Preservation Iowa will be putting on a rejuvenating and uplifting two days of workshops, discussions and tours of the “Pearl of the Mississippi.”
Preliminary Itinerary:
Friday morning
8-9 registration and continental breakfast
9:00 welcome
9:15 dignitary welcome
9:25 legislative update: q and a
9:45 presentation of statewide preservation successes over the past year
10-11:30 panel discussion of Preservation on the local, state and regional levels
11:30-12:15 Tax Credits lecture
Friday afternoon
12:30 Lunch: Button Factory soup salad sandwich bar (included with registration)
1:00 discussion about button factory building conversion
2:15-3:15 button history museum and presentation
3:30-4:30 center for nonprofits tour and discussion
4:30-6:30 mingle at Button Factory Restaurant
5:00 riverboat cruise ($10 for additional registrants)
Dinner on your own
Saturday morning
Optional activities from which participants can select:
9:00am Guided Tour of West Hill
9:00am Alexander Clark presentation at Welch Apts.
10:00am Alexander Clark presentation at Welch showing
10:00 am Art Center Civil War discussion and exhibit
10:00am Friends of Pine Creek Grist Mill showing
11:00am Tour McKee button factory building
Sat afternoon
1-3 pm Historic open houses with suggested donation of $5 (for non-registrants)