Todd and Mary Kay Wegener’s Dairy Barn Awarded Recognition Award
Posted by CC on April 13th, 2008 6:45 pm
The rehabilitation of a historic dairy barn just outside of Fenton, Iowa, received one of four Recognition Awards by the BARN AGAIN! program. Now being used to raise 4-H calves, the barn is owned by Todd and Mary Kay Wegener. Work included recovering the metal roof, rebuilding the cupola, replacing deteriorated vertical board and batten siding, and painting. According to the press release, the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Successful Farming magazine present BARN AGAIN! awards to barn owners who put forth exceptional efforts to preserve and maintain their historic barns. Winners receive cash awards and recognition in a feature article appearing in the Mid-March issue of Successful Farming magazine. Information on the BARN AGAIN! program is also available on the Agriculture Online web site at