Chief Theatre Currently Used by Hobo Museum
Posted by CC on March 30th, 2008 3:12 pm
Iowa State University students are learning about history and helping the Hobo Museum in Britt. The multi-disciplinary “Hobo Studio” researched hobo history from the Civil War to today in preparation for the main focus of the studio. The students split into groups to work on three different design projects: one group will redesign the way the theatre is currently being used to house the hobo collection, another will work on a new facility for the collection, and the third group is designing a national hobo memorial. The research and design studio is having an impact on the students. As part of another class project, architecture student Matt Palan is working toward placing the Chief Theatre on the National Register of Historic Places. If listed, the Hobo Foundation could go after grants to help restore the building. According to a article, anyone with information about the history of the theatre can contribute to the research project by sending it to the Hobo Foundation at P.O. Box 143, Britt, Iowa, 50423.
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