Find Your Preservation Story – “Tracing the Clues” Workbook
- Section 1: Preservation Curriculum for Teachers
- Section 2.1: Learning Objectives
- Section 2.2: Lesson Plans
- Section 3: 101 Ideas for Preservation Education
- Section 4.1: Archive Guide
- Section 4.2 – Glossary of Architecture Terms
- Section 4.3: Glossary of Preservation Terms
- Section 4.4: Research Guide
- Section 4.5: Letters to Parents and Admins
- Section 5.1: Print and Online Resources
- Section 5.2: People in Preservation
After you’ve gathered as many clues as you can find, it’s time to start your investigation into resources. Start with the “Finding Stories: Traditional and Online Resources” guide provided to your teacher. If you have access to a local archive or historical center, ask a reference librarian to assist you in finding any of the following documents to discover the characters, actions, and events related to your old building’s story:
Architectural Journals, Cemetery Records, Census Records, Commercial Histories, Community/ County Histories, Court Documents, Directories and Gazetteers, Estate Records, Family/ Personal Papers, Genealogical Records, Land Records, Maps and Plats, Military Records, Newspapers, Photographs and Postcards, Tax Records.
If you can’t visit a local archive or historical center, search one of the many online resources listed in the guide. You might also conduct an oral history by interviewing a past resident or affiliate of the building.

This project was supported in part by the State Historical Society of Iowa, Historical Resource Development Program.