Preservation Iowa is in process of developing an online database of historic preservation consultants, resources, and contractors as a starting point to help people identify resources for their preservation projects and renovation work.
Directory Policies
This directory is a list of consultants, contractors and suppliers that have requested that their names be included on the Preservation Iowa Consultants List. Preservation Iowa maintains this list as a starting point to help people identify resources for their preservation projects and renovation work.
In order to appear in this list, businesses are required to be members of Preservation Iowa. This list does not represent an endorsement, recommendation, or assumption of responsibility for the quality of work of any consultant, contractor, or supplier. There is no guarantee implicit or implied that any work produced by those on the list will meet federal, state or local requirements.
This list of available consultants and service providers is provided for you to interview and research. Preservation Iowa recommends that you contact at least three businesses and check references with previous clients. Remember that there may be businesses who have not requested inclusion on this list and who you may want to consider.
Choosing a Contractor
The selection of experienced, competent contractors consultants and other service providers is critical to the success of your preservation project(s). Here are some guidelines for choosing a contractor, consultant, or other service provider:
- Ask for multiple current references that you can contact about work performed by the contractor.
- Ask the contractor for a cost-estimate in writing for any work they will do.
- Make sure they are a licensed and ensured contractor.
- The contractor should certify that their work conforms to federal, state and local regulations and requirements.
- Verify that the contractor carries workers’ compensation insurance.
- Make sure the contractor has experience and success with similar preservation work.