Category: Most Endangered

SAVED: Egloff House, Mason City

Preservation Iowa’s 2012 Most Endangered Buildings: Egloff House (Mason City, Cerro Gordo County) Update: August 2015, the house was moved to a new location, ready for rehabilitation.  More photos of the move here. The Egloff House is associated with two of the more important families in the medical history of Mason City. Dr. William Egloff,… Read more »

Endangered: Troy Academy Built in 1850

Preservation Iowa’s 2016 Most Endangered Buildings: Troy Academy (Troy, Davis County) Troy Academy was one of the first academies in Iowa when it was constructed in 1850. Clarence Ray Aurner, who published “History in Education in Iowa in 1915” indicates that Troy was probably the first private school to assume the name “Normal”. This perhaps reflected an effort by… Read more »

Endangered: Herring Hotel, Belle Plaine

Preservation Iowa’s 2016 Most Endangered Buildings: Herring Hotel (Belle Plaine, Benton Co.) The Herring Hotel was built in 1900 and expanded to 3 stories in 1912. An addition was added in 1922. It was listed on the National Register in 2008. Dubbed as “The Swellest Little Hotel in Iowa” it was popular for both prominent and common guests…. Read more »

Endangered: Beyer Building on 4th Avenue, Grinnell

Preservation Iowa’s 2016 Most Endangered Buildings: #6 Beyer Building on 4th Avenue (Grinnell, Poweshiek County) The Beyer building which resides along 4th Avenue and Broad Street carries a long history of banking and commercial draw. In 1881 Charles Beyer began banking in Grinnell. By 1883-1884 when the Beyer building was built, Beyer had created C.W.H. Beyer & Co…. Read more »

Endangered: First Baptist Church, Grundy Center

Preservation Iowa’s 2016 Most Endangered Buildings: First Baptist Church (Grundy Center, Grundy County) The First Baptist Church was built in 1918. The building was a grand statement to the First Baptist Church community, which had lost its previous church building to a fire on December 20, 1917. Within 13 months this structure was built and in use without… Read more »

Endangered: Iowa State Penitentiary

Preservation Iowa’s 2016 Most Endangered Buildings: Iowa State Penitentiary (Fort Madison, Lee County) More information at the Department of Cultural Resources website. The earliest portion of the Iowa State Penitentiary was constructed in c. 1839 when Iowa was only a territory, with the Iowa State Penitentiary acting as a territorial prison most of a decade prior to Iowa’s… Read more »

Endangered: Knutson Building

Preservation Iowa’s 2016 Most Endangered Buildings: Knutson Building (Cedar Rapids, Linn County) The Knutson Building is one of the two oldest commercial buildings on the west side of Cedar Rapids. Just 2 percent of the building stock remains standing from that era.  The building was constructed with local materials and was designed by local architect William… Read more »

Endangered: St. Patrick Church

Preservation Iowa’s 2016 Most Endangered Buildings: St. Patrick Church (Fairfax, Linn County) The history of St. Patrick parish in Fairfax begins in the late 1850’s. As the first Catholic families settled in the Fairfax community, they traveled to the nearest church which was in Iowa City. Later Mass was celebrated in Fairfax homes by the priest… Read more »

Endangered: Reimann-Schoeneman House

Preservation Iowa’s 2016 Most Endangered Buildings: Reimann-Schoeneman House (Hull, Sioux County) The Reimann-Schoeneman House is locally historically significant due to its association with Edward Herman Reimann and his wife, Nannie Schoeneman and their philanthropic and commercial development with Iowa State Bank and Schoeneman Lumber Company in Iowa and the Midwest.  The property is also significant… Read more »

Endangered: Deb’s Corner Cafe, Manning

Preservation Iowa’s 2012 Most Endangered Buildings: Deb’s Corner Cafe (Manning, Carroll County) This building was built in the early 1890s, shortly after the prior building burned down in May of 1891. This building was originally part of the “Horse Shoe Bar,” which was touted by the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Company, brewers of Banquet Beer, as the… Read more »