2010 Preservation at Its Best Awards Announced

Ten Awards Presented in Seven Categories

Posted by CC on May 22nd, 2010 2:50 pm

At a luncheon awards presentation on Thursday, May 20, 2010 in Clinton, Preservation Iowa announced their annual Preservation at Its Best Awards to honor individuals, organizations, projects, and programs whose work demonstrates a commitment to excellence in historic preservation. The awards were presented as part of a historic preservation workshop co-sponsored by Preservation Iowa, the State Historical Society of Iowa, the Clinton Historic Preservation Commission and the Clinton County Historical Society.

“Each year, in partnership with the Iowa Gaming Association, Preservation Iowa seeks to honor historic preservation successes. In doing so, we hope to inspire others to take action to preserve, protect, and promote Iowa’s historic resources,” commented Rod Scott, President, Preservation Iowa.

Award winners are:
Residential: Step by Step, Dubuque
Small Commercial: The Eatery, Bedford
Large Commercial: Nonpareil Building, Council Bluffs and Hotel Julien, Dubuque
Adaptive Reuse: Grant/Lincoln Elementary Schools, Oskaloosa and Williges Building, Sioux City
Community Effort: Friends of Jipp, Davenport and Historic Millwork District Master Plan, City of Dubuque
Rural Preservation: Khrushchev in Iowa 50th Anniversary Commemoration, Coon Rapids
Preservationist: Iowa’s Advisors to the National Trust for Historic Preservation
To find out more, go to: www.preservationiowa.org