Preserve Iowa Summit Presentation
The Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs/State Historic Preservation Office and the Fort Dodge Historic Preservation Commission will present the fifth annual Preserve Iowa Summit June 8-10, 2017 in Fort Dodge, Iowa.
The Preserve Iowa Summit is the state’s premier conference for professionals and volunteers involved in historic preservation in Iowa.
General sessions, concurrent breakout sessions and hands-on educational training will occur throughout the Summit — as well as informational tours, networking opportunities and an exhibit hall. Two special workshops on Iowa’s agricultural history and gravestone repair are planned for Saturday, June 10.
We would like to hear from you! Do you have a high-quality presentation that would be appropriate for historic preservation professionals, property owners and volunteers? Have you heard someone present at a conference you think would be a great speaker for the Summit?
We hope that a number of successes, ideas and expertise from across the Midwest and beyond will be part of the 2017 Preserve Iowa Summit and urge you to consider submitting a session proposal. Please pass this message along to anyone you know that could provide training at the Summit.
For more information download the official Call for Session Presenters (PDF).
Download the Session Presenter Application (Word Document).
Session proposals are due Monday, January 9, 2017.